The New York City Police Department’s mission is to enhance the quality of life in the city while working in partnership with the community and upholding constitutional rights. However, not all police officers adhere to this mission, and individuals can become victims of False Arrest & Malicious Prosecution. At Robert P. Kelly Law P.C., we have over 30 years of experience investigating and identifying cases of false arrests and malicious prosecution in New York City. We understand the stress and confusion our clients face during this challenging time, and we are dedicated to tirelessly protecting your rights and striving for a fair and just outcome.
Holding Police Officers Accountable for Misconduct, False Arrest & Malicious Prosecution
Unfortunately, there are instances where police officers deviate from their duty. False Arrest & Malicious Prosecution can occur due to various reasons, such as mistakes in identification, false confessions arranged or coerced by the police, evidence planting, wrongful arrests, or improper execution of search warrants. Our attorneys work collectively to build a comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective defense for our clients. We set our fees in a manner that empowers our clients to make choices based on the desired outcome rather than financial concerns.
Challenging Improper Execution of Search Warrants
Under the United States Constitution, police generally require a search warrant to enter a person’s home. The warrant must specify the locations to be searched and the items to be seized. Unfortunately, due to poor investigative techniques or other factors, law enforcement may mistakenly burst into the wrong home during a search warrant execution. Such incidents can turn lives upside down, often leading to detainment outside the home or at the precinct. In such cases, we have an excellent chance of recovering fair compensation for our clients. If you or a loved one has been detained because of a search warrant executed at the wrong home, contact us immediately for a free consultation and swift action.
Challenging False Confessions and Police Misconduct in Court
Over our combined 30 years of practice, we have witnessed numerous instances of police officers improperly obtaining false confessions. While it may be difficult to believe, false confessions occur with alarming regularity. In many cases, individuals with diminished mental capacity falsely confess. However, it is also common for police officers to pressure, coerce, or make false promises of leniency to persuade innocent individuals to confess to crimes they did not commit. If you or a loved one has been arrested and charged with a crime, and you believe that a confession was coerced by a police officer, contact our firm for a free consultation. We are experts at demonstrating to judges and juries that not all confessions are reliable.
Advocating for Your Rights After a False Arrest & Malicious Prosecution
While police officers are sworn to uphold the law and protect the citizens of New York, there are regrettable instances where they plant evidence on innocent individuals to justify an arrest or cover up misconduct, including excessive force. This practice, known as evidence planting or “flaking,” occurs when an officer places contraband, typically drugs or a weapon, on a defendant and claims to have discovered it in their possession. The frequency of such occurrences is astounding. If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime and you suspect that a police officer planted evidence to build or strengthen the case, or to protect themselves, immediately contact us for expert representation and a free consultation.
Filing Civil Rights Claims for Accountability in a False Arrest & Malicious Prosecution
A false arrest or malicious prosecution not only violates your rights but can also have significant implications for your employment, reputation, and family. We can assess your case to determine whether pursuing a civil rights claim is appropriate and seek remedies for the harm you endured. Such claims aim to hold accountable individuals responsible and pursue damages for the suffering you have experienced.
Discuss Your Case with a Knowledgeable Lawyer
If your rights have been violated, it is essential to consult with a knowledgeable lawyer who can guide you through the legal process. Contact us today to discuss your case with our experienced attorneys at Robert P. Kelly Law P.C. We are committed to providing expert representation and support during this challenging time.


Dedicated Attorneys Who Will Stand Up For Your Rights
We have been advocating for the rights of New Yorkers for more than 30 years. Whether you need help with a criminal matter, suffered an accidental injury, need to file a civil rights claim against New York law enforcement, or have been a victim of sexual assault or abuse, hiring the right attorney can make all the difference in the world.