Facing a DWI conviction can bring about dire consequences that affect your personal freedom, financial stability, and driving privileges. These repercussions become even more severe if you have prior convictions on your record. It is crucial to engage the services of a skilled attorney who will not only guide you through the legal process but also prioritize the protection of your rights.
Safeguarding You from the Impact of a DWI Conviction
At Robert P. Kelly Law P.C., our experienced attorneys possess over 30 years of collective experience assisting individuals charged with DWI, DUI, or DWAI offenses. Whether this is your first offense or you have prior convictions, you may confront:
- License suspension ranging from 90 days to six months
- One-year license revocation if you refused the Breathalyzer test
- Mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device
- Potential imprisonment for up to 10 years and a felony conviction for repeat offenders
- Elevated insurance premiums
- Risk of job loss
Many individuals accused of DWIs fail to grasp the gravity of the potential consequences. However, at Robert P. Kelly Law P.C., our Manhattan attorneys fully comprehend the seriousness of your case. We meticulously analyze the various aspects of your charge, thoroughly investigating the details of your initial stop by the arresting officer to determine if proper procedures were followed and if the police report is accurate and complete. Our unwavering commitment lies in safeguarding your rights from the moment of your traffic stop until the resolution of your case.
Assisting You in Making Informed Decisions During a DUI or DWI Conviction
We understand that this period can be bewildering and stressful for our clients. That’s why we provide you with the essential information needed to make well-informed decisions about your case. Our clients trust us to guide them through this difficult time, striving to achieve the best possible outcome.
Discover How We Can Support Your DWI Conviction or DUI Consequences. Complete our quick contact form today!


Dedicated Attorneys Who Will Stand Up For Your Rights
We have been advocating for the rights of New Yorkers for more than 30 years. Whether you need help with a criminal matter, suffered an accidental injury, need to file a civil rights claim against New York law enforcement, or have been a victim of sexual assault or abuse, hiring the right attorney can make all the difference in the world.