Protecting Your Rights Throughout The Legal Process

The arrest process marks the beginning of a criminal case, often accompanied by stress and confusion. At Robert P. Kelly Law P.C., our attorneys initiate the investigation of your criminal law NYC case from the very same point. Our primary objective is to ensure the protection of your rights throughout the legal process.

We engage the expertise of professionals to thoroughly examine the intricacies of your unique circumstances. Our unwavering dedication lies in listening to the entirety of your concerns, goals, and aspirations for the future. We welcome clients from all five boroughs of New York City and are fully prepared to provide effective and affordable legal representation.

NYC Criminal Lawyers

Our firm represents individuals facing a wide range of criminal charges, including but not limited to:

Providing Criminal Law for NYC

In many of these cases, it is crucial to consider false arrest and malicious prosecution. If your arresting officer failed to adhere to proper protocol, your charges could be deemed invalid. We meticulously scrutinize the actions of your arresting officers to determine whether any of your rights were violated.

At Robert P. Kelly Law P.C., we prioritize addressing the emotional needs of our clients while diligently pursuing the best possible outcome. Moreover, we always prioritize our clients’ interests by structuring our fees in a manner that enables them to make decisions based on desired outcomes rather than financial concerns.

To safeguard your future, we encourage you to consult with our experienced lawyers. Complete our quick contact form for more information about our options for criminal law NYC.

NYC criminal lawyer


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Lawyer for criminal law NYC

Dedicated Attorneys Who Will Stand Up For Your Rights

We have been advocating for the rights of New Yorkers for more than 30 years. Whether you need help with a criminal matter, suffered an accidental injury, need to file a civil rights claim against New York law enforcement, or have been a victim of sexual assault or abuse, hiring the right attorney can make all the difference in the world.

Connect with a Skilled Attorney

To learn more or to schedule your free initial consultation with one of our Spanish-speaking criminal defense lawyers in Manhattan and Long Island, please call 917-881-4894